Sea VTL Ferry Start on 28 Feb

Sea VTL Ferry Start on 28 Feb

Singapore will be launching the first Vaccinated Travel Lane arrangement via sea (VTL (Sea)) from Batam and Bintan in Indonesia, as part of its efforts to gradually restore transport connectivity.

Currently, Indonesia allows travellers from Singapore to travel under its travel bubble to Nongsapura International Ferry Terminal (NIFT) in Batam and Bandar Bintan Telani Ferry Terminal (BBTFT) in Bintan, without the need for quarantine.

Singapore will now offer VTL (Sea) from Batam and Bintan to facilitate bi-directional quarantine-free travel.

Fully vaccinated travellers from Batam and Bintan may enter Singapore under the VTL (Sea) from 25 February 2022, and applications for the Vaccinated Travel Pass (VTP (Sea)) will open on 22 February 2022, 1000 hours (Singapore time).

Ferry Companies:

Batam Fast
Bintan Resort Ferry