Planing on a road trip to Malaysia?
Checklist for traveller arriving in Malaysia from singapore starting 1 APR 2022
- All Fully Vaccinated Traveller are exempted from quarantine
- Download the MySejahtera app before entering Malaysia
- Verify Covid -19 vaccination certificate on
- Partially Vaccinated and unvaccinated travellers need to have COVID-19 travel insurance with a minimum coverage of USD 20,000
- Children aged 6 years old and below are exempted from pre-departure test
- Passport with min. 6 months validity
- Singapore-registered cars that plan to depart Singapore via the land checkpoints are to observe the “three-quarter tank rule”.
- VEP application
- TNG Card
18 years old and above who are fully vaccinated with two doses of the Sinovac vaccine and 60 years old and above who are fully vaccinated with any type of COVID-19 vaccines are required to get a third dose of vaccine (booster) to keep their fully vaccinated status. This applies to all citizens and non-citizens.
You must have at least three-quarters of a tank of motor fuel when you depart Singapore in a motor vehicle registered in Singapore via the land checkpoints.
MySejahtera is an application developed by the Government of Malaysia to assist in monitoring COVID-19 outbreak

Planing on a road trip to Malaysia

EZ-Link x Touch ‘n Go Motoring Card
Where to reload TNG card in malaysia: List
The EZ-Link purse has a lifespan of 5 years whereas the Touch ‘n Go purse has a lifespan of 10 years.
Drive to Singapore? : What you need to know before drive to Singapore?