KTM Train Woodlands to JB Sentral $5.
KTM Train Woodlands to JB Sentral Tebrau Shuttle Service is back in operation.
Trains operated by KTM can take you to Johor Bahru in 30 minutes or less. Singapore to Johor Bahru by train is one of the fastest ways to get between the two cities
Ticket sales will open on 13 June 2022 starting at 3:00 am for travel dates 19 June to 18 July 2022.

Make sure you have registered for KITS and updated the passport number in your KITS (KTMB Integrated Ticketing System) account.
Log In to or sign up at https://online.ktmb.com.my/Account/Login
Book Ticket @ https://shuttleonline.ktmb.com.my/Home/Shuttle
The service is expected to be used by 7,000 passengers a day, at a capacity of 320 passengers per trip and at a frequency of 30 minutes.
RM5 will be the price for the KTM Train Ticket JB Sentral to Woodlands route.
S$5 will be the price for the KTM Train Woodland to JB Sentral route.

KTM schedule
KTM schedule From JB Sentral To Woodlands | 0500 0530 0600 0630 0700 0730 0845 1000 1130 1245 1400 1515 1630 1745 1900 2015 2130 2245 |
KTM schedule From Woodlands To JB Sentral | 0830 0945 1100 1230 1345 1500 1615 1730 1845 2000 2115 2230 2345 |
Buy your tickets KTM Train Woodland to JB Sentral route at https://shuttleonline.ktmb.com.my/Home/Shuttle or through the KTMB Mobile app.

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