Gombak LRT to Genting Bus ticket RM6

Gombak LRT to Genting Bus ticket RM6
Gombak LRT to Genting Bus ticket RM6

Gombak LRT to genting bus ticket RM6.

Promotion for One way bus ticket from gombak LRT to Awana Bus Terminal RM6
Valid for Bus Trips Express Bus owned by Resorts World Genting.

Promotion Period : 1 Oct 2022 Until 30 Nov 2022

Gombak LRT to Genting Bus ticket RM6
Depart from Gombak LRT Station To Awana Bus Terminal :

0830hrs 1030hrs 1330hrs 1430hrs 1630hrs 1930hrs

Depart from Awana Bus Terminal To Gombak LRT Station :

0930hrs 1130hrs 1430hrs 1530hrs 1830hrs 2030hrs

Genting Express Bus

   Express Bus Routes   Adult    Child, Senior Citizen & Handicap (OKU)   
KL Sentral to Awana Bus Terminal   RM10RM7
Gombak LRT Station to Awana Bus TerminalRM6RM7

Genting Express Bus KL Sentral to Genting RM10