Indonesia Tightens Airport Health Screenings with Satu Sehat Health Pass to Combat New Mpox Variants

The Indonesian government is enhancing health screenings at entry points, particularly at airports, to prevent the spread of new variants of Mpox (monkeypox) into the country. According to M Syahril, spokesperson for the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes), all international travelers, including both Indonesian citizens (WNI) and foreign nationals (WNA), must now complete an electronic self-declaration form called the Satu Sehat Health Pass (SSHP). This action is in response to the detection of the Clade Ib variant of Mpox outside Africa, which is believed to have greater severity and a faster transmission rate, including among children.

The Ministry of Health has coordinated with the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) to implement the Satu Sehat Health Pass for international travelers. The Ministry of Transportation has issued a circular mandating that all airlines serving international flights inform passengers and ensure they complete the Satu Sehat Health Pass before departure. Travelers can fill out the form online via the website, and after submission, they will receive a barcode containing their health and travel history.

Additionally, SatuSehat, formerly known as PeduliLindungi, is a national integrated health data exchange platform jointly developed by the Indonesian Ministry of Communication and Information Technology. SATUSEHAT is part of a broader national digital health ecosystem that simplifies access to health data and enables individuals to manage their personal health independently.

What Is the SATUSEHAT Health Pass?

The SATUSEHAT Health Pass is an electronic self-declaration form required for all international travelers entering Indonesia. It gathers essential health and travel information to help authorities monitor and prevent the spread of infectious diseases, particularly Mpox.

Key Sections of the SSHP Form

1. Personal Information

  • Full Name: Enter your legal name as it appears on your passport.
  • Mobile Number: Provide a valid mobile number, starting with the country code (e.g., 62 for Indonesia).

2. Travel Information

  • Passport Number: Input your passport number as listed in your travel document.
  • Date of Arrival: Select the date you will be arriving in Indonesia.
  • Port of Arrival: Choose the port of entry, such as the airport or seaport, where you will enter Indonesia.
  • Flight Number: Provide your flight number for the incoming flight to Indonesia.
  • Seat Number: Indicate your seat number on the flight.

3. Health Symptoms

The form asks if you have any of the following symptoms, and you can select more than one if applicable:

  • Fever
  • Shortness of breath
  • Diarrhea
  • Stiff neck
  • Yellow eyes
  • Headache
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Muscle aches
  • Backache
  • Skin lesions/rashes/patches
  • Cough
  • Sore throat

4. Close Contact Declaration

You must declare whether you have had close contact with anyone showing symptoms of Mpox or with animals like rodents or primates in the 21 days before your arrival in Indonesia.

  • Yes: Select this option if you have had close contact.
  • No: Select this option if you have not had any close contact.

5. Travel History

  • Countries of Origin, Departure, and Transit: List all the countries you have visited or transited through in the 21 days before arriving in Indonesia. You can select more than one country.

Final Steps Before Submission

Before submitting the SSHP form, you are prompted to recheck your declaration and ensure that all the information provided is accurate. This is crucial because providing incorrect information can lead to complications during your entry process.


Finally, you’ll need to declare that all the information you’ve provided is correct by selecting the appropriate option.

Why Is This Important?

Filling out the SATUSEHAT Health Pass accurately and honestly is critical. It not only helps protect public health in Indonesia but also ensures that you can enter the country smoothly without any unnecessary delays.

SATUSEHAT 健康通行证 (SSHP) 是所有进入印度尼西亚共和国的外籍旅客和机组人员必须填写的健康声明表。该表旨在协助印尼卫生部及时发现和控制疫情🇮🇩。如果您在旅行后的21天内生病,或来自疫情流行和受影响的国家或地区,请立即前往最近的医疗机构就诊,并出示健康通行证。